Empowerment comes from feeling as though you have some control over your life.  We have control when we trust our decisions.  We begin to trust our decisions when we trust our emotional intelligence.

We can own our choices by constantly checking in with our body to determine the emotions that we are feeling and where they are setting up in our body.  This constant checking in will help you determine what is really going on and how your choices are fitting with your soul. 

Empowerment comes from taking small actions every day.  Actions that are guided and monitored with our constant check in.  Actions within your reach.  Actions that express love for yourself. 

Bake that gluten free cake.  Call that politician to let him/her know your feelings about an issue.  Write those couple of sentences in your book.  Take a nap.  Get a massage.  Make your own healthy lunch rather than buying fast food.

Once you learn to listen to and trust your body you will begin to feel empowered.