Did you know that you have the power to create through your words?
Spoken words
Written words

All very powerful! Even the Bible tells us this in the first sentences of the Gospel of John.

So why is it that we as humans have devolved to calling one another names or slurring insults when we disagree?

This Ferret Oracle Card is reminding us to be careful with the power of our words and alongside of the Fairy Tarot card we are encouraged to remember the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you shall have done unto you. Speak unto others as you shall have spoken unto you.

Let’s go even further and remind ourselves to speak as to what it is that we want manifested in the material.

Speak with blessings for others, not curses.

Write with ideas that will bring positive change not in a way to excoriate the other for not being who it is that you believe they should be.

We are in a golden time of opportunity and have the power to create what it is that we want.  Let us use this time to explore ideas that will bless all of LIFE.

Our words have tremendous power. Wield them with care.

Blessings to you all.